Monday, May 14, 2007

Microsoft Word

So this week we experienced the wonders of Microsoft Word... I am truly amazed *cough cough* and the fact that words can bold and be underlined and go into italics is a really new and interesting concept for me! I guess the one thing that i hadn't done before was the Track Changes thingy which highlights things that you have changed and deleted and shows you the editing process. I would never use it in the future though because you'd need to reformat the document.... that's part of the reason i much prefer handwriting things first and seeing what i've crossed out or changed to maybe use parts of it again or whatever and then once there's a solid draft there i'll type it up as is. Much easier! Anyway i'm enlightened as to the myriad of possibilities to do with Word and mail merging etc etc so another week has been completed! Until next time.....

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