Monday, May 21, 2007

Excel(lent) not!

Ok so another truly riveting experience, this time with Microsoft Excel! oh yay. I know that i should be excited or whatever about learning new skills and how to put formulas in columns (which did give a moment of interest when it worked it out for itself i might add!) but i'm afraid to say that my interest factor is probably somewhere in negative figures. Also, because certain instructions are not the same as on my computer, the frustration factor is increasing well into the positives. Oh what a lovely way to waste time!
hmmm yep getting more and more frustrating by the instant! And the instructions are sometimes not written in complete sentences (eg.Highlight Row 4 by clicking on the number at the start which will select the whole row.... So when you select the row (which has a Loss) and then right-click on the Mouse on that number at the start..... yeah i thought what the? as well!
and when they say go back and "repeat this process" there is no indication how far back this particular process actually began or what needs to be done again because all the steps sort of blend into one ever increasingly frustrating sequence of GROAN!
yeah well i think we're getting the drift that this has been one of my favourite activities of all time now aren't we? HA
I managed to get one of the little button thingys working at the end Eureka! but that doesn't inspire me enough to get the other 2 working... i guess if i ever own my own business (which really isn't a current aim of mine) i'll have to employ a receptionist/administrator who finds excel to be a more interesting program than i do and will work it for me :-)

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