Monday, May 28, 2007

The Grand Finale!

So this is the last week of New Communication Technologies! As a result, it will also be the last little msg that i post on this blog! I've learnt quite a bit in this course to do with the wonders of Photoshop, MS Word and Excel, Virtual Worlds, how to make a blog, the emergence of blogs as a means of new communication, every word with the prefix cyber (eg. cyberpolitics, cybertherapy, cyberpunk etc. etc.) and in last weeks lecture i had the stunning revelation that Adam is a younger version of Richard Stallman (the pioneer Free Source Software movement). He definitely wants to be him when he grows up!
It has been a little frustrating that the lectures and tutes seem starkly unrelated in content but also a relief because generally, the tutes have been quite fun (thanks Jules!) and the lectures the complete opposite (so it's a relief that the ENTIRE course doesn't evoke the same reaction that the thought of a lecture does - namely a rather large GROAN!).
Anyway, thanks for the memories new comm tech and my little blog buddy, might see you in cyberspace somewhere (oh! theres another word that starts with cyber to add to the list!)!
So long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu!
Emma :-)

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