Monday, March 5, 2007

So the beginning of the uni year starts with a blog. I'm writing it somewhat tired and a tad sunburnt from a weekend racing at the State Titles at Kawana on the Sunny Coast :-) Good surf and sunny days always a good combination!

Weell onto my thoughts on the course so far! I couldn't go to the lecture because of having to race on the weekend (again) so content wise i'm a little (make that a lot!) in the dark. So there's some reading that i need to catch up on!

Everyday life is incredibly dependent on communication. How people and cultures communicate and interact with one another is essential to the smooth running of things - pretty much everything when you think about it. Global trade, media, families, friends. If we couldn't communicate with one another how would we function? If we couldn't convey to someone how we were feeling or what we were trying to say, what would eventuate? Frustration and confusion would be everywhere. But then there's also how easily means of communication are manipulated to mimik the creators' intention. Propaganda throughout history has changed how people act, how they communicate with one another and in turn what they do. The media laws in Australia now are increasing the amount of power that a few high profile people possess to control and distort messages and information - it's actually kind of scary how much these people (eg. Packer, Murdoch) can manipulate and govern what information we consume.

The study of communication is interesting and relevant to my future career as a journalist. Being able to clearly communicate information and knowledge to readers or viewers is essential to a journalist's success. However the way this is done is also important and I am looking forward to enjoying a few years at uni while I try to master it!

I've definitely got a long way to go before I master this blogging thing though! Not exactly the most technologically advanced person going around, my computer experience is basically Word and Hotmail so this subject could be a rather steep learning curve!

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